Vol8 Iss2
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Volume 2, Issue 1
November 2018
Operadic categories and their skew monoidal categories of collections
Stephen Lack, 1-29
The Cayley-Dickson Construction in Homotopy Type Theory
Ulrik Buchholtz and Egbert Rijke, 30-41
An operadic approach to operator-valued free cumulants
Gabriel C. Drummond-Cole, 42-56
Parallel transport in principal 2-bundles
Konrad Waldorf, 57-115
The comprehension construction
Emily Riehl and Dominic Verity, 116-190
Cubical (omega,p)-categories
Maxime Lucas, 191-233
Configuration spaces form a Segal semi-dendroidal space
Philip Hackney, 234-240
Back Matter
Higher Structures