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Volume 5, Issue 1
December 2021
Cartesian factorization systems and pointed cartesian fibrations of ∞-categories
Edoardo Lanari, 1-17
Real representation theory of finite categorical groups
Matthew B. Young, 18-70
Oplax Hopf Algebras
Mitchell Buckley, Timmy Fieremans, Christina Vasilakopoulou and Joost Vercruysse, 71-120
On the Etale Homotopy Type of Higher Stacks
David Carchedi, 121-185
A finitely presented E
-prop II: cellular context
Anibal M. Medina-Mardones, 186-203
Drinfeld Centre-Crossed Braided Categories
Thomas A. Wasserman, 204-243
On lax transformations, adjunctions, and monads in (∞,2)-categories
Rune Haugseng, 244-281
Holomorphic Poisson Field Theories
Chris Elliott and Brian R. Williams, 282-309
Boardman–Vogt resolutions and bar/cobar constructions of (co)operadic (co)bimodules
Ricardo Campos, Julien Ducoulombier and Najib Idrissi, 310-383
Homotopy Theory of Ultrametric Spaces
Tomoki Mihara, 384-400
,2)-categories and relative 2-operads
Nathaniel Bottman and Shachar Carmeli, 401-421
Back Matter
Higher Structures